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Ohio Special Response Team Receives Award from Richland County Sheriff

Tuesday, 23 January, 2024 – Mansfield, Ohio – Eleven members of the Ohio Special Response Team Search and Rescue Units received awards from the Richland County Sheriff for locating and safely evacuating a missing Mansfield man.

Richland County Sheriff Steve Sheldon presented certificates to the OSRT personnel who assisted police and fire in locating a retired Mansfield Marine who had been missing for more than 10 hours at night and in cold weather conditions. OSRT members utilized Lost Person Behavior Analysis and years of experience in searching for lost people to effectively locate the victim in extremely dense underbrush and woods approximately ¼ mile from his home.

Sounds relatively simple, doesn't it? It wasn't... Follow the links to read the details as discussed by Sheriff Sheldon and Sergeant Jason Shoemaker during the awards ceremony.

The members of the Ohio Special Response Team essentially operate like a volunteer fire department, assisting authorities and families across the state in conducting search and rescue operations. With 6 units distributed around Ohio, OSRT can be on scene in a relatively short period of time with basic to advanced search capabilities. As well, when needed, OSRT provides comprehensive command and control assistance to free local authorities up for the investigative side of the search. OSRT is a 501(c)(3) non profit fully insured organization providing search and rescue, disaster response, and other much needed specialized services to Ohio communities.

Interested in becoming part of this talented group of first responders? OSRT is always on the lookout for people who are willing to invest their time and energy in serving their community. Members are welcome as search technicians, support personnel, and work-from-home contributors. We provide training via National Association for Search and Rescue, Mountain Rescue Association, Homeland Security, NCJTC, and ASTM 2209, as well as within our own online learning management system. Get off the couch and come join us!


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